The backdrop is Cloud and related promising technologies of open source world, venturing across the market. The system is to take care of grossly bigger Enterprises, addressing some of its key areas of “wish lists” that large enterprise still striving for ..
1. Optimization of Computing resources across enterprises
2. Participate in “Go Green” , “Save Earth” kind activities by optimizing resource usage
3. Minimize the Infrastructure maintenance Costs
4. Provide true high availability of Software services , platforms & workbench
The system was divided into three major parts:
1. The Nucleus – cloud provider
2. RPM Packager (the cook – the cloud deployer)
3. DB Backup & restore management , Distributed Storage System (the Cloud DATA)
I have drafted some notes on the Stack as follows:
Completely customized Cloud Controlled XEN vms, that can be simply powered-up to Go with User data stored in HDFS..
Custom changes in (domU)VMs seamlessly to be written to union filesystem (using unionfs/aufs alike techniques).
this concept be extended to transparently localize Amazon S3 using S3fs fuse..
There may be 3 possible scenarios to use unionfs with Xen VMs:
1) To have a common filesystem image shared by many DomUs, and use unionfs to allow each DomU to have it's own modified version
2) To do this in Dom0 and export the filesystem to the DomUs
3) To export the common filesystem (readonly) and run unionfs in the DomU
And finally, the user modified file-systems made exposed to HDFS (using hadoop/sector DFS)
A private cloud to be built using Eucalyptus and physical Nodes with [Xen vms + Suse]
There are Nagios plug-ins available-ready for Xen-suse , can be used for monitoring the Nodes and probably some auto discovery..
Backup & Recovery
Xen's capability to adopt live migration will be the base for application failover /recovery..
Data recovery to be done for the above user modified filesystem, using a suitable cloud & S3 supported tool (amanda/zamanda/baracula)
Packaging the End2End process
VMs with delta file changes to be deployed live on Xen based Cloud and that should be powered-on to go..
1) Taken the input from User
2) Prepare application (vm) to be deployed over the Cloud
3) Deploy app-vm & power-on
4) Provide user, the logistic infos & access
5) User’s changes are saved as delta & backed-up
myspace hit counter
Nice start... but I don't think your plan of using live migration will help for recovery - only for load balancing (or physical machine maint). You can't migrate a dead VM and you can't migrate from a dead physical host. In both of those cases you can only restart the VM.